
David Kozlowski

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapsit

High School Teacher


Who is David Kozlowski?

David Kozlowski is from Carlsbad, CA, and is a licensed marriage and family therapist who has worked in mental health for over 25 years as a crisis counselor, behavioral specialist and therapist specializing in helping youth and families.

David is one host of the OG Therapy podcast which has had millions of downloads and helps parents all around the world.  He also has a TedxTalk on parent teen relationships and is the creator of the first social health curriculum at Herriman High School. The class teaches students how to build, maintain, and improve relationships with family, friends, online connections, and relationships with self.  

David is also the Executive director of Quit Trip’n a registered 501c3 charitable organization that has been holding free community social support groups for local teens since 2010. David speaks to and teaches schools, teachers, communities, and businesses about the importance of social health.


David Provides

Teacher Trainings

David will teach your teachers how to effectively build, maintain, and improve the relationships with students and parents. He does this by teaching social health tools that can be used immediately after the training.

social health keynotes

In business, it is no secret that the most important skills anyone can have is the ability to build relationships and properly communicate. David’s keynotes provide social health tools to increase those skills and thus companies ROIs.

Student Assemblies

After a student assembly, your students will have walked away learning how to make better friends, how to communicate with teachers better, how to handle dramatic situations and have social health tools they can use to develop their personalities.

on-demand social health tools for business

After a keynote, it is difficult to always remember how to apply the knowledge gained and how to apply the knowledge in a variety of situations. David provides on-demand video trainings for your staff to have with custom built video examples on how to use the social health tools for your companies industry and unique work-flow.

Parent Nights

David’s parent nights also teach social health tools that will teach parents to how to build, maintain, and improve the relationships with their children and how to properly communicate issues with their child’s teachers if any do arise.

Social Health Curriculum

David has a social health curriculum he created that is called “Level Up.” This class focuses on helping students improve their social health. It teaches them important information on how to better connect and improve relationships with family, friends, teachers/coaches, online relationships, all while improving the relationship with themselves.


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact David!

Please note David is not accepting clients for his therapy practice